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Albums are
like Whiskey

The sky is the limit to it's value.

You received your album with anticipation and excitement. You were the first to look through it and then showed family and friends. 


So what now? Put it in a draw or cupboard just to sit there after spending all of that money!? Hidden away in the darkness? Surely not!?   

That's exactly what you do. 

As each year passes, that album will mature in value, even become priceless. Not in monetary terms but emotional value. Lets say 20 years have passed, maybe you have kids now and you both certainly look older. Grand parents may no longer be around and suddenly, those prints in that lush leather bound album will take on a whole new meaning. 

Leave it ANOTHER 20 years and you will now be officially classed as old. Grey, a bit achy and grand kids might be around. They will not believe how young you both looked and how beautiful you were as a bride! In another 20 years you may not be around. The album suddenly becomes an historical document. The people, the place, the decor, the clothes, the cars. 

USB digital media will never compete with an album. If your last remaining source of digital wedding images get lost on a corrupt hard drive, your wedding event is lost forever. 

And this my friends is why an album is like whiskey. As the clock ticks and the seasons pass, tucked away in the dark, the flavours develop and it transforms into something far more expensive and enjoyable.  


P.S. I think whiskey tastes horrible! Ha!

Amy Loveland Wedding Photographer
Amy Loveland Wedding Photographer West Midlands Albums
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